You can have as many projects and private projects as needed to manage your tasks more efficiently. In this article, we will walk through how to:
- Create a new project
- Duplicate a project
- Rename a project
- Delete a project
How to create a new project
To create a new project, follow the below steps:
- Click the "Create Project" button at the top.
- Give the project a name.
- (Optional)Set the project details.
- Click "Create Project".
How to duplicate a project
Being able to duplicate a project can improve efficiency when creating repeatable workflows. For instance, agile consultants can make an SOP project, duplicate it, and share them with different clients. Or online teachers can create a course project, duplicate it, and share them with different sessions of students.
To duplicate a project, simply follow the below steps:
- When in the dashboard, hover over the project you want to duplicate and click on the three dots appearing. Or if you are already inside the project you want to duplicate, you can find the three-dot toward the top, next to the project name.
- Select the option "Duplicate project".
- Confirm the duplication by clicking "Duplicate".
Note: You should see a duplicated version of the project appearing right away after confirming the duplication. However, depending on the size of the project, it may take some time for the contents inside to finish the duplication.
How to rename a project
To rename a project, follow the below steps:
- On the left sidebar, click on the three dots of the project you want to rename.
- Select "Project details".
- Give the project a new name.
- Click "Update project".
Alternatively, when you are inside a project, you can click on the project name at the top directly to change its name.
How to delete a project
To delete a project, follow the below steps:
- Click on the three dots of the project.
- Select "Move to trash".
- Once the project has been moved to Trash, you can find them in the "Trash" folder on the left sidebar.
Note: The project will stay in Trash forever unless you manually delete it permanently or recover it.
To delete a project permanently, follow the below steps:
- Go into the "Trash" folder.
- Click on the three dots of the project.
- Select "Delete".
Note: You can only delete projects that you're the owner of.
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